FOR TODAY Friday September 11th...
Outside my window... It is still dark but looks like it will be a beautiful day
I am thinking...how strange it is that I only realized today was 9/11 when I typed the date above. It is hard to believe it has been 8 years.
I am thankful for...New flooring in my kitchen, repaired attic stairs and new glass in the basement windows.
From the kitchen...we are on week 1 of my rotating plan for a second week. I looked at it yesterday and realized that given that I was sick the beginning of the week and the kitchen was torn apart the middle of the week we had only cooked one meal from the whole plan so here is what it looks like
Saturday- I will be eating Lasagna at the Sister Splash meeting at church while my dh and kids will have Chicken Enchiladas
Sunday-We will have a favorite...Steak Ramen stirfry
Monday- Taco Soup the recipe is from AYear of Slow Cooking
Tuesday- Zoe will cook grilled cheese sandwiches and heat up canned soup.
Wednesday- I will fix Chicken Chasseur, a tasty dish with mushroom in a tomato and wine sauce, served with couscous and steamed broccoli.
Thursday- Aaron will prepare Chilighetti and a large green salad.
Friday- Jeff and I will go out on a Date and the kids will have dinner from the freezer.
I am wearing... A favorite long sleeved sleep shirt. It's not really cold enough for it but I couldn't find my favorite short sleeved one.
I am creating... new seat covers for our dining room chairs and wondering if lazy boy refurbishes the seats on their chairs. I think too many children have bounced on mine.
I am going...with a group from Tamke-Allen Observatory to see the Bay Mountain planetarium on Saturday.
I am reading...Animal, vegetable, miracle : a year of food life by Barbara Kingsolver.
I am also reading/listening to the audiobook...... Sway: The Irresistible Pull of Irrational Behavior by Ori Brafman . This book has some of the most fascinating insights into behavior and all given in the context of real events and research.
I am hoping...my friend who told me some very sad news yesterday feels the touch of the Father's hand today.
I am hearing...the clock ticking, the radio in the other room and various sounds of our family waking up.
Around the house...the seat of one of our dining room chairs has been recovered, just 3 more to go.
One of my favorite things...the purple hyacinth bean and scarlet emperor bean growing on a trellis on the side of the house.
A few plans for the rest of the week: I'm working a lot this week and will be able to sow freedom and acceptance into the lives of my clients. And I will spend more time with my daughter reading together as she struggles to become a skilled reader. I will try to let every member of my family and my friends who are like family know how much I treasure them.
Here is picture and a thought I am sharing...
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.-unknown
These bean flowers take my breath away every time I look out my kitchen window. Often there is a special treat of seeing a hummingbird enjoy them too. The backround in this picture is my new kitchen floor.
Check out http://thesimplewomansdaybook.blogspot.com/ for links to other Daybooks and instructions if you want to do one of your own.
The photo is very beautiful -- I love how you added the shiny new floor as a background. New floors make me want to dance! Enjoy yours.
Gorgeous floor and flowers!
Princess & I both enjoyed Animal Vegetable Mineral, very inspiring.
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