This is the flower bed near the alley. In the back is a butterfly bush. To the left is phlox "Delta Snow" in the middle is Blazing Star Laitris. The yellow to the right is a day lilly. There sea oats just behind the Laitris but they are hard to see. Their seed heads will turn golden in teh fall after the Laitris is done. To the left you can see the leaves of a bicolor lavendar iris which bloomed in the spring. And in front is a beautiful peach colored daylily which is also done blooming.
All the plants came from friend or from plant swaps and bring back many good memories. Thanks to all.
In looking at my pictures I realized that I rarely take a picture of an entire flower bed. I really like closeups and detail pictures. I will have to try to take some just for my garden archive in the future.
I take a photo from my bedroom window not every season but try and remember to do it at least a couple of times a year.
Amazing to see how much it has changed in the ten years we've lived here.
Love pinks :)
Wow!! Your flowers are gorgeous!!! I thoroughly enjoyed scrolling through your blog. It made me feel a little like chatting with you . . . which we truly need to do some time.
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