I went outside to walk around the vegetable garden and to pick some sunflowers. Pick is really not the right work as they are much taller than I am and I cannot even reach high enought to cut the biggest flowers.
The pepper plants seem to have doubled in size since I look at them earlier this week and I know the tomato plants have added at least a foot each. So many green tomatoes, I should fry some tonight.
Still a long way from cucumbers. The last of the lettuce has bolted. But the broccoli is still making sideshoots, though the flavor is not what it was earlier in the season. The ground cherries are full of their peculiar fruit and hopefully will be tasty.
The garlic is ready to be harvested and hung up to dry. I think I got the garlic and the leeks mixed. If it has a bulb and smells like garlic it must be garlic if not it must be leek. They look identical to me above ground.
Hope your gardens are growing well.
Oh your tomatoes are looking good, my plants are big but the flowers haven't set yet.
Yes the CORD was Jill Bond's Dinner's in the Freezer didn't know she had any more. Carbonara recipe - I'll take photos and post some time soon.
Wish we could do dinner together - that would be fun!
Me too.
Jill Bond does have another book Mega Cooking. It seems like I have looked at it and it is not as informal as Dinners in the Freezer but was still good. My library has a copy.
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