I don't know if many of you know it but I have been studying GTD(David Allen's system for Getting Things Done) for the past month or so. I have listened through the book in both abridged and unabridged form, listened to many related podcasts and spent time getting in to empty and downloading my brain(GTD terms for making decisions about what you will do with what is in every "inbox" in your life, and transferring all the things that float around in your brain onto paper or into a digital storage system.
I now have many lists with titles like Areas of Focus, Someday/Maybe, Projects. Tickler and the all important context based Next Actions. My brain feels significantly lighter now that all that stuff is out of it and I can be more in the moment.
But this system, and I think any system that will work, hinges on doing a regular review. I have scheduled doing my "weekly" review for the past 3 weeks and finally today I sat down with my timer and reviewed all my lists and updated my next actions. It is so good to have a list of things to do at my computer even if I don't have the brainpower to remember it at the moment. Or my list @Home 15 minutes or Less which is full of short things that just need to be done that I usually think of when I am not at home.
Well this has been a bit of a rambling post. I do highly recommend GTD and am adapting one of Flylady's phrases to help me use it well.
GTD done imperfectly still blessed my psyche.