FOR TODAY Sunday August 30th...
Outside my window... It has been a beautiful day and we had church at a local park called The Cove
I am thinking...about the next week and all the preparations for it.
I am thankful for...Missus Wookie inspiriting me to do this and that I don't have to make everything better for all my friends, but I can be a listening ear and sometimes a shoulder to cry on.
From the kitchen...we are on week 4 of my rotating plan
Monday- spaghetti and meatballs and a green salad
Tuesday- Zoe will cook hot dogs with carrot and celery sticks and dip
Wednesday- I will fix Chicken Enchiladas a favorite recipe from Melissa M.
Thursday- Aaron will prepare BLT sandwiches and some kind of cold vegetable salad.
Friday- we will have Petros which is a fancy name for chili, cheese and corn chips, served with lettuce, tomato, black olives sour cream and salsa.
Saturday we will on week 1 and I don't have that printed up yet.
I am wearing... A favorite sleep shirt.
I am creating... a new way of thinking as I learn to use GTD.
I am going...to find out what boothmakers is about on Tuesday morning.
I am reading...a very funny book titled The Hand That Rocks the Ladle.
I am hoping...for a quiet week and good news from DT and BK.
I am hearing...my husband type on his computer and the fan running.
Around the house...the seat of one of our dining room chairs has been recovered, just 3 more to go.
One of my favorite things...our loveseat in our bedroom.
A few plans for the rest of the week: We would like to take the kids to see Night at the Museum 2, no date scheduled yet. Have lunch with a friend, also TBA. And be at Girl Scout Meeting on Friday.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
Check out http://thesimplewomansdaybook.blogspot.com/ for links to other Daybooks and instructions if you want to do one of your own.